Email Age Checker

Check Email Age & Reputation Intelligence

IPQS email age checker verifies email addresses while also enriching reputation & email risk intelligence. Analyze any email address with email age, validation status, fraud score, and similar metrics. IPQS email verification also identifies risky emails such as inactive inboxes, disposable email addresses, bots, and similar low quality accounts.

IPQS email age technology analyzes email address reputation using a mixture of signals including abuse history, velocity & activity, the email's registration date. Identify email abuse issues such as fraudulent behavior for fake accounts, bots, and chargebacks with email risk scoring.

Email Address Reputation Lookup

Email Age Database With Billions of Accounts

Over 4.5 billion users worldwide have at least one active email address. IPQS maintains one of the largest email address databases online, quickly identifying newly registered emails across all services including,,,,, etc. Quickly perform an accurate email age check for any type of email address, including consumer and corporate addresses.

Email Intelligence Experts With 10+ Years of Verifying Emails

IPQS email address scoring covers the entire spectrum of email address hygiene. Our technology is trusted by the largest social networks, dating & gaming apps, banks, and similar companies that rely on accurate email intelligence to verify user accounts and payments.

Check email age intelligence in real-time using our easy to use email validation API or perform a full email check using our email validator lookup.

IPQS Email Reputation Lookup Activity


Email Validation Requests Per Day


Email Age Match Rates


Email Age API Data Points

How to Check The Age of an Email Address?

The IPQS email age checker is the perfect to tool to determine age of an email address. IPQS uses our relationships with large retailers, dating sites, social networks, marketplaces, etc. to understand when an email address was first used online. The email account creation date is calculated using a mix of machine learning which is fed real-world data from purchases and account registrations. Email age dates are over 99% accurate with 99.99% accuracy.

How To Determine Email Age?

The email age checker can determine the date of when an email address was created with this free email lookup tool. Our email database is always updating with newly created emails, we can estimate the email address age by determining when the email first had a presence online including account registrations, purchases, sending and receiving email, and similar activity signals. This data calculates an accurate estimate of the email account creation date.

Further enhance email reputation scoring using our email address fraud prevention tools which can identify risky mail services to prevent disposable email services. Email fraud scores automatically increase as our honeypot network identifies emails associated with abuse like chargebacks, fake accounts, account takeover (ATO), phishing, and similar abuse.

Email Verification & Email Deliverability

Do you engage in email marketing? Pair our email age checker services with additional email intelligence that can improve your email deliverability, inboxing rates, and sender reputation. Through our email validation software, IPQS can perform a real-time ping to an email service provider or private mail servers which ensure that your active contacts have a valid, active inbox capable of receiving new messages. This check can support any particular email account including a Google mail account. Maintaining a high email deliverability rate ensures that your messages won't hit the spam folder.

Domain Age Intelligence

Gain additional insights from our domain age checker to identify malicious domains used for business email compromise (BEC), phishing attacks, malware, and similar abuse. Our domain reputation data prevents abusive behavior with a real-time lookup. The email age checker tool only factors in data for the email's age, which is usually different than the domain's age.

API Lookup Access

Email Validation API

Threat & Abuse Network

Largest Threat & Abuse Network

Advanced Email Validation

Email Validation Intelligence

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