Creating Allowlist Entries

You can use the Allowlist API to manage your account's allowlisted variables. You may use the following endpoint to create an entry, which overrides the fraud_score value to 0 and sets all risk analysis variables as false. If the API type supports a valid or active field (such as the email verification or phone verification API endpoints), these values will always be true. You can also add a reason why each entry made this list.

API Request URL

Request Parameters

This API endpoint has 3 required input parameters, and 1 optional parameter.



  • value - The value you wish to allow list.
  • value_type - What kind of value you're allow listing (EG: ip, cidr, etc... see below)
  • type - What API you wish to allow list this value for. (One of: proxy, url, email, phone, mobiletracker, devicetracker)



  • reason - Why did this entry make your allow list.


Accepted Type Description Accepted value_types
proxy The IP you wish to add to the allowlist. (e.g.,     ip
A CIDR (formatted IP/network) you wish to add to the allowlist. (e.g.,     cidr
The name of an ISP you wish to allowlist.     isp
devicetracker The DeviceID you wish to allowlist. (e.g., b2q3...)     deviceid
The IP you wish to add to the allowlist. (e.g.,     ip
A CIDR (formatted IP/network) you wish to add to the allowlist. (e.g.,     cidr
The name of an ISP you wish to allowlist. (e.g., Spectrum)     isp
mobiletracker The DeviceID you wish to allowlist. (e.g., b2q3...)     deviceid
The IP you wish to add to the allowlist. (e.g.,     ip
A CIDR (formatted IP/network) you wish to add to the allowlist. (e.g.,     cidr
The name of an ISP you wish to allowlist. (e.g., Spectrum)     isp
email The email you wish to allowlist. (e.g., noreply@ipqualityscore.com)     email
url The domain you wish to allow list. (e.g., ipqualityscore.com)     domain
phone The phone number you wish to allowlist. (e.g., 1-800-713-2618 or 18007132618)     phone
custom The variable you wish to allowlist. (e.g., 1234)     your_custom_variable (e.g., userID)
Example Response

This is an example success response in JSON format. Responses are also available in XML format.


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